Today’s world moves at such a hectic pace, and we can, too. The thoughts, questions, and desires of our hearts can be drowned out by our frantic schedules or stuffed down because we are afraid to look at them or don’t know what to do with them.
When are we ever quiet, simply alone with our thoughts? When do we take a break from activity and our phones to just allow ourselves to be still and invite our hearts to speak to us?
When do we allow our feelings to come up for air?
For a long time, my answer was hardly ever. My busyness fueled a lot of frenetic activity and contributed to my anxiety and some of my controlling behavior. I knew there was more to life and faith than what I was experiencing and began incorporating the discipline of silence and solitude into my life.
Our soul is the most important part of us, but we hardly give it any space to just BE.
When I started, I set a timer for just five minutes because I knew it would be hard. I gradually worked up to half an hour just about every other day, but I started out SMALL. I usually sit on the floor and take a few deep breaths and stretch my shoulders and neck. Then I open my time with something brief. Sometimes I say, “Jesus, it’s Julie.” And I imagine Him saying, “Julie, it’s Jesus.”
Sometimes, I say the well-known prayer, “Jesus Christ, Son of God, have mercy on me.” And then I just sit quietly before Him. Sometimes I imagine myself being held in the palm of His hand, or floating down the river or His love, or imagine Him looking at me with love and kindness. Sometimes I ask Jesus if He wants to say anything to me. Sometimes I just sit there.
I often get distracted, and my mind goes to other places: my ‘to do’ list or weird, random, even crazy thoughts. That’s okay. I just bring my mind back to God without judging myself.
Sometimes, I realize that I’m deeply sad or bothered by something and I let myself cry. Sometimes, I hear God speaking something to me. Often it’s just a thought, a brief word of love, but I’ve had a few wonderful pictures from the Lord, as well. Sometimes I pray.
Sometimes it just seems like a blank space or I’m fighting distractions and feel like nothing is happening. I just let it be whatever it is and trust that God will use it, no matter what it looks like. There’s no right or wrong way to do this practice. It’s really just as simple as being quiet before the Lord with nothing to distract you. Total silence. You and the God who loves you and made you. It’s a way of creating space for your soul in God. Our soul is the most important part of us, but we hardly give it any space to just BE.
God will take you in whatever state you are in: good, bad, or ugly. He can work with faith as small as a mustard seed.
This practice has been so life giving for me. God uses whatever we give to Him and multiplies it like loaves and fishes. I really look forward to this time now. I feel less anxious and more patient with people, giving them grace to be themselves. I feel Jesus with me more in the everyday moments. I feel like I have a place to air out my heart. Give it a try today.