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Featured Prayer Opportunities
The Prayer Room
We invite you to join us in our prayer room on Sundays as well as throughout the week. Located at our I Street Campus, this is a great place to come and receive prayer and pray for others.
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Teams You Can Join
Prayer Intercessors
Those who serve in this prayer ministry pray for people after our worship services on Sunday mornings. We also have intercessors who pray for those who are praying for others at this time. As a member of this team, you can sign up for days and services that are convenient for you.
Opportunities to Pray: Every Sunday in the Worship Center after the 9AM and 11AM services or in the Prayer Room during services.
Victory Team
The Victory Team’s mission is to lift up the Pastoral staff and their families in prayer. Victory Team members will commit themselves to this ministry for one year and need to maintain a pure and holy lifestyle, regularly read and study the Bible, and be faithful in daily prayer for pastors, their families, and other victory team members.
Prayer for America
1 Timothy 2 tells us that we are to pray and intercede for our leaders. 2 Chronicles 7:14 exhorts us to pray for our nation and promises healing for our land. Every Monday members of this prayer ministry receive an email that includes the prominent issues in our city, state, country and world. Intercessors gathering on Tuesdays will pray for these issues.
Opportunities to Pray: Tuesdays from 8:15-9:15AM before Women’s Bible study in the Prayer Room. You have the option to pray with others in person or via conference call. The summer schedule varies.
Leader: Linda Gidley
Ongoing Prayer Ministries
Sunday Prayer
Join us Sunday mornings for 30 minutes of Revival, Renewal, and Refreshing Prayer at 10:27AM in the New Prayer Room. If you are in need of renewal or refreshing, please stop in and we will pray for you personally too.
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