Who We Are
Since 1962, King of Kings has offered uplifting worship services and opportunities for individuals to grow in their faith and relationship with Jesus. Our community started with 75 people and continues to expand. We are affiliated with the Lutheran church, Missouri Synod, and we desire to partner with other life-giving churches to bring the good news of Jesus to our city, region, and beyond.

God’s transformative love is our beacon, our rallying cry, and the reason we get up in the morning.
He calls us to bless and encourage one another and explore endless opportunities for positively impacting the world in the ways He has uniquely called us.
Our Values
God’s transformative love shapes everything we do. We believe Jesus has called upon us to care for and improve the well-being of others. We best deliver on that promise through our core values of being Reliant, Authentic, Courageous, and Generous. Our church’s mission is to guide all ages and walks of life to strengthen their connection between God, each other, and our world.
We depend on God. We earnestly seek God for direction, grace, and power in all we do. We look to God’s Word as both our foundation and guide.
We pray with expectation and place our hope in God alone.
We share our lives. We are honest and transparent about ourselves and our journey. We don’t hide or pretend.
Our vulnerability is a gift that we give to others and is inspired by Jesus’ love and humility.
We take new ground. We pray boldly, even outrageously, knowing that nothing is too big for God. We stop at nothing to reach people who don’t know Jesus and are excited to take our place on the front lines with God as He furthers His Kingdom in the world.
We love others well.
We believe that giving comes in many forms.
When we give freely of the time, talents, resources, and love that God so freely gave to us, we transform the world, one person at a time.
Membership At King of Kings

Join Us
We view membership at King of Kings as a partnership in the gospel. It’s an outward sign that we are committed to one another and the mission of the church. If you’re interested in membership at King of Kings, click below to get started.
Our Purpose
We Transform Lives
We believe that lives are transformed through connection to God, Each Other, and the World.
The beauty and truth of God’s transformative love is twofold:

God’s Work
Starts Within
God’s work starts from within you. We acknowledge that we do not bring about any kind of transformation on our own; rather, it is all a work of God. When Jesus lives in us, He changes us from the inside out… forever. We’re here to help guide you to a closer connection to God and the transformation that comes from being in a relationship with Him.

Never Ends
Second, we understand that transformation never ends. From a person just beginning their journey with God to someone who has been sharing life with God for a long time, we are all in a never-ending, always growing relationship with God and others. There is always more to learn and experience, and that excites us.
What We Believe
Jesus Christ is God’s perfect Son, who through His birth from the Virgin Mary lived a sinless life on earth 2,000 years ago. He voluntarily paid for our sins by dying on the cross for us. His death gained salvation for all who receive it as a gift by trusting in Him alone. He rose from the dead and is the only Mediator between God and us. He will return to Earth to conclude all things and reign forever.
God the Father is creator of the universe and maker of everything in Heaven and on Earth.
The Holy Spirit draws sinners to Christ, creates faith in our hearts and equips believers for personal growth and service to God.
On the night before Jesus died on the cross, He shared the last supper with His disciples. This experience that happened many years ago, leads us to celebrate Holy Communion. Jesus invited us to share this gift until He returns, so that we may have forgiveness of sins, strengthening of faith,
and the power to live God-pleasing lives.
God’s Word tells us that when we receive Communion, we are not merely receiving bread and wine, but the body and blood of Jesus Christ.
Baptized adult Christians are invited to share this great gift of God.
We ask that children experience our First Communion Classes in 5th & 6th grades before taking communion.
If you have questions about Communion we encourage you to talk with one of our pastors after Worship.

Past to Present
King of Kings held its first worship service on February 4, 1962 in the Western Electric auditorium, near 120th and I Streets with about 75 people in attendance.
In 1963 we broke ground to construct our own building at 124th and West Center Streets. God blessed the congregation throughout the 1970’s and 1980’s, with four building expansions that eventually resulted in a 35,000 square foot facility and more than 2,500 members. King of Kings also supported and planted other congregations in these decades.
Keeping our eyes on God and obeying His leading, we purchased a 266,000 square foot manufacturing plant at 116th and I Streets. In 1994, the congregation dedicated phase one of the conversion of the building.
Since then, King of Kings has gathered weekly at the I Street Campus. In October of 2023, a second campus was launched at Concordia Omaha (156 & Fort St.).
Jesus said, “Go and make disciples of all the nations.”
– Matthew 28:19
Ready to Plan Your Visit?
If you’re interested in growing your faith and being a part of our church fmaily, it’s time to start planning your visit to King of Kings! We welcome you to join us for worship as well as uplifting and challenging messages from our pastors. With something for the whole family, King of Kings welcomes you to join us this Sunday.