Associate Campus Director (Fremont Campus)



Job Details

The purpose of this role is to contribute to the church’s mission by serving in the secondary lead staff position at the campus. This person is primarily responsible for all guest experience, events, students/kids ministry, volunteer oversight, and administrative assistance. This person is a champion for the purpose and values of King of Kings.

Starting Date

Earliest Availability


Flexible, 40/week,
Sundays & Holidays


Job Responsibilities

  • Uphold the mission of King of Kings to transform lives through connection to God, connection to each other, and connection to the World.
  • Be fully committed to the Great Commission, (Matthew 28:18-20), and its implementation at King of Kings Lutheran Church. Hold fast to the mission and support King of Kings Leadership in following Jesus, the Head of the Church.
  • Be reliant on Him in prayer, be authentic in our relationship with each other, be courageous in serving Him, and be generous and love others to impact the world in ways He has uniquely called us to serve Him here at King of Kings.
  • Provide oversight and implementation for campus guest experience and events
  • Invest in personal relationships
  • Provide administrative assistance to the Campus Pastor
  • Provide oversight for kids programming during Sunday worship experiences.
  • Ensure the facility is clean and in good working order
  • Update necessary campus metrics weekly
  • Provide support to church-wide initiatives as needed
  • Assist with ensuring that key volunteer roles are in place and have ongoing support for the following departments: kids/students, worship (including music, production, guest experience), community, outreach, etc.
  • Assist with the identification, recruitment, and development of new leaders under the direction of the Campus Director
  • Provide volunteer coaching and appreciation
  • Provide guest experience and assimilation opportunities and follow up
  • Assist in service hosting roles as needed.
  • Oversee kids programming on Sunday worship experiences.
  • Assist with the confirmation program as needed.
  • Implement campus-specific initiatives to further the mission of King of Kings
  • Organize and implement effective outreach and service to the community


  • Strong walk with Jesus.
  • Above reproach.
  • Organized and efficient with time management, multi-tasker.
  • Self-starter: consistent motivation to follow through with limited supervision.
  • Great with people from all walks of life.
  • Quality manager: identify problems, find solutions, and improve systems.
  • Positive, stop-at-nothing attitude.
  • Passionate about developing leaders and casting vision.
  • Demonstrate leadership skill and theological discernment.
  • Commitment to continued development and collaboration.
  • Loyal: committed to strengthening the bonds among campuses by reinforcing priorities, purpose, values, and culture.
  • Take direction and feedback well.
  • Team player: helps where needed at any campus.

Requirements & Qualifications

Education & Experience:

  • 1+ years of leadership experience
  • Bachelor’s Degree (preferred)


  • Profess and/or adhere to the Confessional standards set for in Article III of the Constitution of King of Kings Lutheran Church. Align with the purpose and values of King of Kings Church.
  • Must be a spiritually mature Christian leading a life of committed discipleship and committed to the mission, vision, and core values of King of Kings.
  • Must be diligent in personal devotions and prayer.
  • Must understand the implications for worship due to differences in generations and modern/postmodern worldviews.
  • Experienced and proficient in speaking, with a strong and confident voice and stage presence.
  • Willingness to cooperate in multi-staff ministry. Experience preferred.
  • Effective communication, interpersonal, teamwork, organization, discernment, and cognitive skills are required.
  • Champion one church in many locations.
  • Abide by staff values.
  • Attending weekly staff meetings, bi-weekly check-ins with supervisor.
  • Three-year commitment.
  • Hold regular office hours, 45-50 hours per week.
  • Participate in or lead a Connect Group.
  • Tithe to King of Kings.